red rice – parsley root salad

red rice salad - rijst salade
The secret of perfectly cooked rice … Beautiful dry rice that does not stick is in how you cook the rice. How to do this ?

Rice is cooked in just enough water. The golden rule is to measure in a measuring cup your rice and always use 2 more water. For example with 100 rice  you use 300 water. When you use 300 rice you use 500 water.
The secret is that you put the rice together with the water and no lid on high heat until most of the liquid has evaporated and you see wells. Now turn the heat as low as possible, put a lid on the pan and let the rice, without touching, steam for 15 minutes.

This rice based salad is plenty full of parsley root. A so called forgotten vegetable which is becoming less forgotten. Even maybe getting trendy. Due to new marketing from the food industry and supermarkets you find more and more once dusted old-fashioned vegetables freshly and cheerful back on the shelves of the supermarket. At least there is a good thing to be credited to the food industry.As in the case of parsley root I can only cheer a big hurray.

red rice salad - rode rijst salade

Parsley root, what’s in a name, is a root veggie with the taste and odor of parsley and thus gives a fresh taste to your meal. The combination with red rice, fennel, mushrooms and a tangy bite of chorizo ​​makes this meal more then complete.

red rice salad - rode rijst salade


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