Cinnamon roasted pumpkin quinoa salad

roasted pumpkin quinoa salad

Seize the day
Want to nourish yourself with the best quality of fruits and vegetables available on the moment? Eat seasonable! Seize the days fruit and vegetables, full of all the best intension from natures. But as simple as this answer sounds, the harder most people find it nowadays to know what’s in season and what not.

Why? Because we are loosing precious knowledge about once simple basic values when it comes to our daily food.

I think this simple example says it all: It’s November and still there are Summer fruits like strawberries and raspberries for sale in our local supermarkets. With their natural peak moment of supreme taste and ripeness in July/ August these fruits just can’t be as good anymore still 4 months later.

Pumpkin season 
It’s hard to mis. With halloween just been and the shops colored with all the different shades of all the pumpkins around that pumpkin is in full season right now. So get these beauties on your plate now to benefit from these vegetable the most optimal.

To peel or not to peel ?
Recently I got twice the same question: Don’t you peel your pumpkin? Both time my friends gazed at me and I realized they don’t ever dare to not peel their pumpkins… Well I hardly peel my pumpkins ever. If it’s the sweet hokkaido pompoen or the bit more sturdy butternut variety I just let the peel get soft when preparing the vegetable.

Not only does it consume quit some annoying time, especially during the work week. A lot of the good vitamins are is just underneed the skin and I just wouldn’t like to waist those instead of easily nurture my body.

That said, makes trying this easy cinnamon roasted pumpkin grain free quinoa salad meal even more worth it.

Eet smakelijk!

cinnamon roasted pumpkin quinoa salad