About me

for the love of taste plantaardig etenWelcome
To my plant-based kitchen. Here I create everyday plant-based food.
Healthy, easy and nourishing recipes with natural ingredients, sprouts, seeds, good fats, fruits and vegetables.

From nutritious smoothie’s and juices to delicious pizza’s and even you-won’t-believe-they-are-dairy-free raw cheesecakes.
100% plant-based and therefore vegan, refined sugar free, wheat free, gluten free and mostly raw too.

Delicious recipes for the beginner and for the more seasoned plant-based food lover.

My mission
I love to inspire you to explore and enjoy food in a healthier way. To nourish and indulge yourself and your loved ones.
and safe our world a bit too.

My story
I have a deep love for taste and food and I am intolerant to wheat and dairy, that’s how I learned to cook with a challenge. As I simply refuse to eat less tasty even despite dietary restriction.

By listening to my own body, I have learned what works and what does not work for me. Thank’s to this journey it is that today, I feel good. Energized and dazzling all over into each and every cell in my body, fully charged by the food I eat. Without feeling sluggish nor tired. Without being on a diet nor denying a piece of sticky chocolate brownie or waive away a delicious creamy chocolate mousse. Just by simply preparing things a bit different with only plant based ingredients. Sometimes raw and other times cooked, sometimes with buckwheat and other times with nuts. Eating is all about feeling good and variety.

I invite you to hike along my journey, whether every day or know and then. Let’s have fun together and let me inspire and indulge you to feel the dazzling, tinkling feeling in your body too.

Who I am ?
I am Lenny, a creative girl and self-trained chef and recipe writer living in Amsterdam.
I style, photograph and write food recipes for my blog and for clients, create food related content for the Veggy365 vegetarian platform and study life. Next to that I work as an art-buyer at a design agency.

With love and gratitude.

“ to eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art” — La Rochefoucauld

foraging wildplukken

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